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Postby openSkies » Tue Mar 21, 2006 8:57 am

What do you guys think of blogs?

I had one for a little over 5 years, but recently they've really come into the limelight. It used to just be for a small group of people who were anywhere from 14-25 in age, but now it's THE THING to do apparently, and I know some people in their 70's who have one. Just turn on a news channel during a politically-based segment and I'm sure you'll here from someone who has a political blog.

Does anyone else have one? If so, how often do you use it?

Would you be interested in having a blog if we created a blog community here at CFP (tied directly into the message board, so you wouldn't even have to log-in twice)?

What are your thoughts...


FYI: Blogs are an online journal where you can share your thoughts on any topic you wish. Users are only allowed to view your entries, and cannot reply to them (comments are allowed if you make it available). Blog communities are groups of people who have blogs available at the same place (such as here at CFP), and interaction is highly supported.

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