President '08

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Postby Derek » Tue Jun 12, 2007 11:18 am

David wrote:My guy is Ron Paul. He's the only candidate that will defend our Constitution. I personally feel that the Constitution is the blue print of our country and it also a contract that the government has with us the citizens of this country stating what is expected of us and what they provide for us. In my lifetime their has been nobody in government obeying what the Constitution says they must do for us. The politicians get elected go up to Washington and do what the hell they want to do, they don't care about us. For this reason I normally do not vote. Before anyone jumps all over me for this stop and think. If you vote for a politician that is not going to follow the Constitution the way he should than you are part of the problem. Instead of running out and voting since it is your right and responsibility, take the time to read and understand our Constitution. Then go vote for a candidate that will honor and protect our Constitution.

No one has violated the Constituion. :roll:

To do so would be an impeachable offense, and the Dem's would have GLADLY removed him from office for doing so.

Wake up and think for yourself. Not what CNN and Keith Olbermann tell you.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

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Re: President '08

Postby Eric » Fri Nov 02, 2007 12:01 pm

Well, a lot has change since June. What do you guys think now?

I'm going Guiliani/Huckabee vs. Clinton/Richardson.

Clinton will get drilled for that driver's license thing. Ridiculous :roll:

"What do you want him to do," you say? Treat illegal immigrants as such....ILLEGAL! :roll:

How will illegal immigrants getting licenses help America at all?
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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:09 pm

Eric wrote:Well, a lot has change since June. What do you guys think now?

I'm going Guiliani/Huckabee vs. Clinton/Richardson.

Clinton will get drilled for that driver's license thing. Ridiculous :roll:

"What do you want him to do," you say? Treat illegal immigrants as such....ILLEGAL! :roll:

How will illegal immigrants getting licenses help America at all?

100% correct!

Hillary REaLLY took a beating in that last debate. Her own party caught her in several lies.

To be honest, there was a time when I thought she had the nomination and the presidency wrapped up. Now I'm not so sure! 8) Thank GOD!

I really think it's going to get ugly for her in the coming months and during the general election if she is the candidate. The people are really gonna find out what she believes and they WILL be scared IMO. She is a serious danger to this country.

All that said, our Founding Fathers, and I believe that the general public should NOT elect the President anyway!

I also believe that NO federal office including Senator or Rep. should be elected at the Federal level. This is the way the Consitution lays it out. Check it out.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

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See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Re: President '08

Postby Eric » Fri Nov 02, 2007 6:58 pm

What Constitution are you reading? People have always been able to elect representatives. The 17th amendment changed the rules regarding senators.
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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Fri Nov 02, 2007 9:36 pm

Eric wrote:What Constitution are you reading? People have always been able to elect representatives. The 17th amendment changed the rules regarding senators.

I'm reading the original Constitution. And I don't like the 17th Amendment, I don't like the Amendment that allows them to tax income either.

I believe the ORIGINAL constitution is what works best.

You should only elect your state reps and governor. And in turn THEY elect the Federal Reps and Senators. The original intent was that NO person elected anyone at the federal level.

The reasons for this are numerous.

#1 Under this system, there would be no bridge to nowhere in Alaska, that my tax dollars paid for. WHY???? Because the Federal Rep would not feel public pressure to send PORK (others tax dollars) back to his district (kinda like candy, VERY expensive candy)
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Re: President '08

Postby Spence » Fri Nov 02, 2007 11:05 pm

I understand what you are saying, but don't you think that the federal reps would still be beholden to the state reps and in turn the people who elected them? I think there is some merit in the original system and it would allow the state reps to hold the federal reps accountable to the state. That can be good and it can be bad.

The constitution is a living document. The founding fathers allowed for it to adapt to the society instead of having the society adapt to it. The amendments to the constitution is the means to do just that. I don't agree with all of them either, but I think that it is essential for the constitution to remain a living work.

I don't have a problem with electing federal reps. I just wish more people would study the candidates and what they stand for and then vote. The problem isn't our system of government, the problem is that so many people don't exercise the greatest accomplishment of our system of government - the right of citizens to vote. It is the single greatest freedom we have and people don't care about it. I don't understand that at all. That simple freedom allows us to have every other freedom we hold dear. No matter what your politics, everyone should make their voice heard. Politicians wouldn't be able to do some of the things they currently get away with if people voted in huge numbers.
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Re: President '08

Postby Eric » Sat Nov 03, 2007 12:24 am

Are you talking about the articles of federation? There's a reason that was scrapped, you know.
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Re: President '08

Postby Dossenator » Sat Nov 03, 2007 1:05 pm

Do you really think Guiliani would bring aboard Huckabee as his running mate. You know their stances on social issues are complete opposites: abortion, marriage, imigration, etc. You know Huckabee was a Baptist preacher before he got into politics.

As for the drivers know they give out drivers liscences to illegal aliens here in California. I was shocked when I found that out. Several state do this. Makes me sick.
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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:04 pm

Dossenator wrote:Do you really think Guiliani would bring aboard Huckabee as his running mate. You know their stances on social issues are complete opposites: abortion, marriage, imigration, etc. You know Huckabee was a Baptist preacher before he got into politics.

As for the drivers know they give out drivers liscences to illegal aliens here in California. I was shocked when I found that out. Several state do this. Makes me sick.

YES!! I hate the fact that they give licenses like that. We have a right to protect our borders, and should not have to listen to people or other nations call us racists because we want to know who is here.

I have two different friends that closed their accounts at Bank Of America when we found out that they give credit cards to "illegal" aliens.

I would HOPE he would bring Huckabee, since Huckabee is my first choice. He would be the perfect compliemnt to a guy like Guiliani, who is on most social issues fairly liberal for a Republican.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

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See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:04 pm

Eric wrote:Are you talking about the articles of federation? There's a reason that was scrapped, you know.

No. I'm talking about the Constituion, I've already stated that.
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Re: President '08

Postby Dossenator » Sat Nov 03, 2007 3:50 pm

Huckabee is my first choice as know he was born and raised in the same town in Arkansas as Bill Clinton. A very small town in South Arkansas called Hope. Huckabee will not win the nomination, but I would love to see him as someones running mate.

You know most countries in the world care about who they let in. My mother and father in law several years ago thought they might move to Australia. My mother in law is a biology instructor...she wanted to pursue her doctorate in Australia. Anyway, when she checked into moving to Austalia she found out that it is actually not an easy thing to do. You must have a college education, have a job all ready secured in Austrailia, have something like $15,000 dollars cash in the bank, and I can't remember the rest of the criteria. The point is they want people they think will contribute to their society. They set the bar high to try and keep a huge influx from coming in....being surrounded by Ocean helps too.

My wife used to teach geography. She had a video that showed Gautemalan people trying to cross the border into Mexico for a better life. See to them Mexico is the rich country to the North of them. However this video shows how the Mexican government treats these intruders. They are extremely violent in keeping them out. They have fences up and guard those fences. It is not uncommon for Mexico to shoot and kill those crossing over from Gautemala into Mexico. The US is given a bad rap for wanting to keep millions of people coming into our country illegally but don't report about how other countries handle the same situations that we face.
"A team with something to play for is dangerous, but a team with someone to play for is unstoppable..." Arkansas OL Brey Cook quote following the death of teammate Garrett Uekman (Nov. 2011).

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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Sat Nov 03, 2007 4:05 pm

Dossenator wrote: They have fences up and guard those fences. It is not uncommon for Mexico to shoot and kill those crossing over from Gautemala into Mexico. The US is given a bad rap for wanting to keep millions of people coming into our country illegally but don't report about how other countries handle the same situations that we face.

The wonderful lamestream media, keeping everyone so well informed. :roll: :roll: :roll:
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

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Re: President '08

Postby Eric » Sun Nov 04, 2007 11:11 am

Dossenator wrote:Do you really think Guiliani would bring aboard Huckabee as his running mate. You know their stances on social issues are complete opposites: abortion, marriage, imigration, etc. You know Huckabee was a Baptist preacher before he got into politics.

As for the drivers know they give out drivers liscences to illegal aliens here in California. I was shocked when I found that out. Several state do this. Makes me sick.

Guiliani would certainly do that. I think there's a sense of uneasiness with him and the Religious Right, so tagging along Huckabee might smooth those relations out.

I know, Dossenator. I think New Zealand has similar immigration law; they're pretty strict. Maybe the far-lefties have it figured out and I'm some kind of screwball, but I think open border are dangerous :roll:
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Re: President '08

Postby Derek » Sun Nov 04, 2007 2:17 pm

Eric wrote: but I think open border are dangerous :roll:

Yep!! :!: :!:
They’re either going to run the ball here or their going to pass it.

The fewer rules a coach has, the fewer rules there are for players to break.

See, well ya see, the thing is, he should have caught that ball. But the ball is bigger than his hands.

- John Madden

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Re: President '08

Postby Eric » Wed Aug 13, 2008 10:08 pm

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