Fantasy Conference: Score Board

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Cane from the Bend
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Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Tue Sep 02, 2014 12:01 pm

Okay, as a refresher:

+ o.5 point per win vs FCS teams
+ 1 point per win vs FBS teams
+ 1.5 points per win vs CCR top 15 team [takes effect starting week six]

- o.5 point per loss to a FBS opponent
- 1 point per loss to a FCS opponent

[Thursday will be used as the start of each scoring phase]
[games that occur on Wednesday will be treat as the last day of the phase]
(NG) represents No Game played for the week

Final Season Results:

Ohio State > + 1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, (NG), +1,+1, +1, +1.5, +1, +1, +1, +1.5, +1.5, +1.5 = 15.5
Oklahoma > + 1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1(NG), -o.5, -o.5 = 5.5
UL Lafayette > + o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, +1 = 6.5
Georgia > + 1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1.5, +o.5, -o.5, +1 = 8.5
Kansas State > + o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1.5, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5 = 7
Arizona State > + o.5, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1 = 9
Cincinnati > (NG), (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, -o.5 = 7
Notre Dame > + 1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1 = 5.5
Texas > + 1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5 = 2.5
Ohio > + 1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, (NG), (NG) = 2.5
Total = 69.5

Alabama > + 1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1.5, +o.5, +1, +1.5, -o.5 = 11.5
Baylor > + 1, +o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1.5, -o.5 = 11
Bowling Green > - o.5, +o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -.o5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1 = 4.5
Wisconsin > - o.5, +o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1.5, +1, +1, -o.5, +1 = 9.5
LSU > + 1, +o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5 = 5.5
Houston > - o.5, +o.5, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, +1 = 5
Virginia Tech > + o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1.5, -o.5, +1, +1 = 4
Nebraska > + 1, +o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5 = 6.5
Michigan > + 1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5 (NG) = 1.5
Arizona > + 1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1.5, -o.5, -o.5 = 9
Final Total = 68

Florida State > + 1, +o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, 1.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1.5, -o.5 = 13
UCLA > + 1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1.5 = 9
Marshall > + 1, +o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, +1 = 12
Iowa > + o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5 = 3.5
Ole Miss > + 1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1.5, +1.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, +o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1.5, -o.5 = 8
Louisville > + 1, +o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5 = 6.5
Ball State > + o.5, -o.5, -1 {fcs}, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, , (NG) = o.5
Navy > - o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1 = 5
Nevada > + o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5 = 3.5
North Carolina > + o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5 = 2.5
Final Total = 63.5

Auburn > + 1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1.5, -.5, -o.5, +o.5, -o.5, -o.5 = 5.5
Oregon > + o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG),-o.5, +1.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1.5, +1.5, -o.5 = 13
Texas A&M > + 1, +o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, -.o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1 = 5.5
Northern Illinois > + o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5 = 9
Clemson > - o.5, +o.5, (NG), -0.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1 = 8
Utah State > - o.5, +o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1.5, +1, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1 = 8
Fresno State > - o.5, -o.5 , -o.5, +o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5 = 1.5
Texas Tech > + o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, -o.5, , (NG) = -o.5
Rice > - o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1 = 5.5
Duke > + o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5 = 6.5
Final Total = 62

Michigan State > + o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1.5, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1.5 = 10.5
UCF > - o.5, (NG), -o.5, +o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, -o.5 = 6.5
Stanford > + o.5, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1.5, +1 = 5.5
South Carolina > - o.5 , +1, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +o.5, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, +1 = 3.5
Oklahoma State > - o.5, +o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1 = 3.5
USC > + 1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1.5, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, +1 = 7.5
Miami > - o.5, +o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5 = 2
ECU > + o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5 = 5
Colorado State > + 1, -o.5, +o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5 = 8
Texas San Antonio > + 1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, -o.5, +1, , (NG) = 0
Final Total = 52

Boise State > - o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1 = 11
Washington > + 1, +o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, -0.5 = 4
Oregon State > + o.5, +1, (NG), +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1.5, -o.5, -o.5, , (NG) = 1.5
BYU > + 1, +1, +1, +1, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +o.5, +1, -o.5 = 5
Missouri > + o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), -o.5, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, +1 = 10
South Alabama > (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, -o.5 = 2.5
Toledo > + o.5, -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, +1, (NG), +1, +1 = +6.5
Florida > (NG), +1, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), +1.5, +1, -o.5, +o.5, -o.5, +1 = 4.5
Northwestern > - o.5, -o.5, (NG), +o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, -o.5, +1, +1, -o.5, , (NG) = 1
West Virginia > - o.5, +o.5, +1, -o.5, (NG), +1, +1, +1.5, +1, -o.5, -o.5, (NG), -o.5, +1, -o.5 = 4
Final Total = 50

--- from here until the end of the post season wins over teams in the CCR Top 15 will receive an additional + .5 ---

CCR Top 15 - Bowl Rankings:

#1 Ohio State
#2 Florida State {Lost to Oregon}
#3 Oregon {Lost to Ohio State}
#4 Alabama {Lost to Ohio State}
#5 TCU
#6 Baylor {Lost to Michigan State}
#7 Michigan State
#8 Marshall
#9 Mississippi State {Lost to Georgia Tech}
#10 Boise State
#11 Georgia
#12 Ole Miss {Lost to TCU}
#13 Georgia Tech
#14 UCLA
#15 Kansas State {Lost to UCLA}


CCR Top 15 - Week Sixteen:

#1 Ohio State
#2 Florida State
#3 Oregon
#4 Alabama
#5 TCU
#6 Baylor
#7 Michigan State
#8 Marshall
#9 Mississippi State
#10 Boise State
#11 Georgia
#12 Ole Miss
#13 Georgia Tech
#14 Kansas State
#15 Northern Illinois


CCR Top 15 - Week Fifteen:

#1 Florida State
#2 Ohio State
#3 Oregon
#4 Alabama
#5 Baylor
#6 TCU
#7 Michigan State
#8 Marshall
#9 Mississippi State
#10 Wisconsin {Lost to Ohio State}
#11 Kansas State {Lost to Baylor}
#12 Arizona {Lost to Oregon}
#13 Georgia Tech
#14 Missouri {Lost to Alabama}
#15 Boise State


CCR Top 15 - Week Fourteen:

#1 Florida State
#2 Ohio State
#3 Oregon
#4 Marshall {Lost to Western Kentucky}
#5 Baylor
#6 Alabama
#7 Mississippi State {Lost to Ole Miss}
#8 TCU
#9 Michigan State
#10 Georgia {Lost to Georgia Tech}
#11 UCLA {Lost to Stanford}
#12 Wisconsin
#13 Kansas State
#14 Arizona
#15 Arizona State {Lost to Arizona}


CCR Top 15 - Week Thirteen:

#1 Florida State
#2 Ohio State
#3 Marshall
#4 Oregon
#5 Baylor
#6 Alabama
#7 Mississippi State
#8 TCU
#9 Georgia
#10 Ole Miss {Lost to Arkansas}
#11 Michigan State
#12 Wisconsin
#13 UCLA
#14 Kansas State
#15 Georgia Tech


CCR Top 15 - Week Twelve:

#1 Florida State
#2 Ohio State
#3 Mississippi State {Lost to Alabama}
#4 Marshall
#5 Oregon
#6 Baylor
#7 Alabama
#8 TCU
#9 Nebraska {Lost to Wisconsin}
#10 Auburn {Lost to Georgia}
#11 Arizona State {Lost to Oregon State}
#12 Ole Miss
#13 Duke {Lost to Virginia Tech}
#14 Georgia
#15 Michigan State


CCR Top 15 - Week Eleven:

#1 Florida State
#2 Mississippi State
#3 Ohio State
#4 Auburn {Lost to Texas A&M}
#5 Marshall
#6 Oregon
#7 Alabama
#8 Michigan State {Lost to Ohio State}
#9 Baylor
#10 Notre Dame {Lost to Arizona State}
#11 TCU
#12 Kansas State {Lost to TCU}
#13 Nebraska
#14 Ole Miss
#15 Oklahoma {Lost to Baylor}


CCR Top 15 - Week Ten:

#1 Florida State
#2 Mississippi State
#3 Ohio State
#4 Auburn
#5 Ole Miss {Lost to Auburn}
#6 Marshall
#7 Georgia {Lost to Florida}
#8 Alabama
#9 Michigan State
#10 Oregon
#11 Notre Dame
#12 Baylor
#13 TCU
#14 Nebraska
#15 Kansas State


CCR Top 15 - Week Nine:

#1 Ole Miss {Lost to LSU}
#2 Florida State
#3 Mississippi State
#4 Ohio State
#5 Auburn
#6 Marshall
#7 Georgia
#8 Alabama
#9 Oregon
#10 Michigan State
#11 Notre Dame
#12 Baylor
#13 Nebraska
#14 TCU
#15 Duke


CCR Top 15 - Week Eight:

#1 Florida State
#2 Ole Miss
#3 Mississippi State
#4 Baylor {Lost to West Virginia}
#5 Notre Dame {Lost to FSU}
#6 Auburn
#7 Ohio State
#8 Georgia
#9 Marshall
#10 Oregon
#11 Oklahoma {Lost to Kansas State}
#12 Michigan State
#13 Alabama
#14 Nebraska
#15 Duke


CCR Top 15 - Week Seven:

#1 Auburn {Lost to Mississippi State}
#2 Florida State
#3 Ole Miss
#4 Baylor
#5 Notre Dame
#6 Mississippi State
#7 Ohio State
#8 Texas A&M {Lost to Ole Miss}
#9 Marshall
#10 Oklahoma
#11 Georgia
#12 UCLA {Lost to Oregon}
#13 Arizona {Lost to USC}
#14 Oregon
#15 TCU {Lost to Baylor}


CCR Top 15 - Week Six:

#1 Texas A&M {Lost to Mississippi State}
#2 Auburn
#3 Florida State
#4 Oklahoma {Lost to TCU}
#5 Ole Miss
#6 UCLA {Lost to Utah}
#7 Oregon {Lost to Arizona}
#8 Notre Dame
#9 Baylor
#10 Alabama {Lost to Ole Miss}
#11 Mississippi State
#12 Ohio State
#13 Nebraska {Lost to Michigan State}
#14 USC {Lost to Arizona State}
#15 BYU {Lost to Utah State}

Last edited by Cane from the Bend on Wed Jan 14, 2015 10:35 pm, edited 31 times in total.
Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Sun Sep 07, 2014 6:42 am

Highfly & Eric leapfrog over Spence, taking 1rst & 2cnd place respectively.
Donovan & Warrriorsfan808 do the same to me in tying up in 4th place.
[_I_] have fallen back into last.

1rst --- Highfly = 13.5
2cnd --- Eric = 10.5
3rd --- Spence = 9.5
4th --- Donovan = 8
4th --- Warriorsfan808 = 8
6th --- Cane = 4

Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Sun Sep 14, 2014 7:07 pm

Shaken up all over in here, the only position that didn't change was last place (me).

Eric jumps into first, whereas Highfly holds out @ second.
Warrriorsfan & Donovan, both leapfrog past Spence.
Spence falls into 5th place, as [_I_] maintain the back.

1rst Eric = 16.5
2cnd Highfly = 15
3rd Warrriorsfan808 = 13.5
4th Donovan = 13
5th Spence = 11.5
6th Cane = 7


Starting to look like I got my selection out of the garbage bottom dollar basement.
To boot; I have one less point, now, than 4th & 5th place had, last week.
Second place is currently more than double my total.

Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby donovan » Sun Sep 14, 2014 11:29 pm

Very close to the order in which we picked....
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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Mon Sep 15, 2014 6:33 am

Yeah; though, it does look as if the reverse rotation bug came out to bite Spence in the rear ...

It's still quite early yet. So, wild changes could be coming. Just, with this season, and the way it is unfolding, nothing would really surprise me at this point.

Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:30 pm

Eric extends his lead over Highfly with a half point added buffer.
Highfly is maintaining his second place position, though, sees 3rd place close from 1.5 to 1 point behind.
Donovan jumps into third, with a 1 point lead over Spence, and a 1 point trail of second.
Spence moves to 4th place, but closes from 1.5 behind fourth place, to 1 point out from 3rd.
Warrriorsfan, now in 5th place, falls from a half point in front of Donovan, to a half point behind Spence.
[_I_] am yet in 6th place, still 4 in back of 5th.

1rst --- Eric = 19.5
2cnd --- Highfly = 17.5
3rd --- Donovan = 16.5
4th --- Spence = 15.5
5th --- Warriorsfan808 = 14
6th --- Cane = 10

Last edited by Cane from the Bend on Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:24 am, edited 4 times in total.
Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Spence » Tue Sep 23, 2014 10:35 pm

I don't seem to be doing so well this year. I blame my picking position. :lol:
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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:01 pm

Donovan, it looks as if you are making good on all of those predictions of your conferences pending advancements ... only, well ... you know ... a year later. 8)

Eric, your conference is looking strong. In contrast, my conference has the point total now, of what yours did in week 2. :?

It didn't help to have so many of my teams with the week off. I'm just hoping that they come back with wins, and not replay some of those negatives.

Yeah, Spence ... I dunno. I'm not doing so well either, this time around ... I tied with Eric last season for second place --- [even though I had last pick in the rotation :P ].

Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Eric » Wed Sep 24, 2014 10:05 pm

Yeah, we'll have to see. I just took a chance on Michigan figuring they would win 8, now every game left on the slate looks difficult after watching our horrible offense. Arizona's schedule is going to stiffen up too, and they don't look like world-beaters. I expect Va Tech to turn it around. Bowling Green will run all over the MAC East, but they will drop a game or two that they shouldn't because of their awful defense (possibly against UMass, wouldn't surprise me). Houston looks bad, probably only looking at 6 wins. And LSU....Gee, I like Mississippi State but if they lose that game at home and looking at the rest of their slate, I don't think I made a very good pick there.

We'll see, a long way to go! 8)
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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby donovan » Thu Sep 25, 2014 10:45 am

Cane from the Bend wrote:Donovan, it looks as if you are making good on all of those predictions of your conferences pending advancements ... only, well ... you know ... a year later. 8)

Eric, your conference is looking strong. In contrast, my conference has the point total now, of what yours did in week 2. :?

It didn't help to have so many of my teams with the week off. I'm just hoping that they come back with wins, and not replay some of those negatives.

Yeah, Spence ... I dunno. I'm not doing so well either, this time around ... I tied with Eric last season for second place --- [even though I had last pick in the rotation :P ].


Pac 19 just need to keep up.

Now that teams have, for the most part, quit playing high school opponents......I do not see any team this year going undefeated. I would not be surprised if there was only one that ends up with one loss and the rest two. No dominant team.

Do you think if President Obama was a football coach he would in preseason announce....We are not going to do any runs this year, only passing plays. And by the way...we may only play three quarters.
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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:10 pm

If he were the President of the NCAA, I think he would say:

"The top 1% Power 5 schools are making too many points -- i-i-It's not fair -- what we want is fair -- I mean, that's why we made the palyoff isn't it -- to be fair -- -- So what I propose, is we take the top scoring teams of the day -- shave off 30% of those points, and give them to the lowest scoring teams of the day -- because, what we want is fair -- and if you ask me, that's fair."


If it looks like a Marxist, talks like a Socialist, acts like a Communist ...

After all, it's not how you win or lose; it's how you place the blame.

Last edited by Cane from the Bend on Thu Sep 25, 2014 4:27 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Thu Sep 25, 2014 2:12 pm

Come to think of it ... this would make a good Saturday Night Live skit.

Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Cane from the Bend » Wed Oct 01, 2014 11:29 pm


Cruising along in first place, Eric scores 5.5 addition to his total.
Highfly, though still in second place, is keeping pace behind Eric, also bringing in 5.5 for the week.
Jumping over Donovan, Spence has moved into 3rd place.
Only accumulating 2.5 for this phase, Donovan slides from 3rd place down into 4th.
Warrriorsfan in 5th place, holds a 3 point lead over 6th, while trailing Donovan in 4th by a single point.
Though [_I_] remain in last place, with 5 [_I_] fall a half point further back of the lead, though did shaved the gap by .5 on Spence, closing from 6 & a half points behind Donovan to 4, and creep up on Warrriorsfan, who sits 3 points ahead in 5th.

1rst --- Eric = 25
2cnd --- Highfly = 23
3rd --- Spence = 20
4th --- Donovan = 19
5th --- Warriorsfan808 = 18
6th --- Cane = 15

Last edited by Cane from the Bend on Thu Nov 06, 2014 3:32 am, edited 10 times in total.
Cane... [__]

"It is only impossible until it has been accomplished." ... then it becomes standardized ...

Success is measured by results; whereas Character is measured through the means by which one achieves those results . . .

It seems the Rapture did come for two worthy souls:
In Memory of Grandpa Howdy
In Memory of Donovan Davisson

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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby Eric » Thu Oct 02, 2014 12:03 am

Michigan might be the death of me :lol:
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Re: Fantasy Conference: Score Board

Postby donovan » Thu Oct 02, 2014 10:35 am

Eric wrote:Michigan might be the death of me :lol:

"It is hard to be humble when you are so great." You vaulted over us like a congress does on issues that really matter, like conversations Mrs. Donovan on subjects I want to avoid.
Statistics are the Morphine of College Football

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