Miami player shot and killed after practice

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Postby mountainman » Fri Nov 10, 2006 10:41 am

I suspect, Alabama is still recovering from the scholarship reduction sanctions imposted by the NCAA.

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Postby openSkies » Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:46 am

Well, between everything I've seen in the past, and the FIU incident... I'm going to have to agree that UM deserves the aura they get.

Some of the fans at the stadium acting like thugs doesn't help the situation. I'm a Floridian and love South Florida (in fact, I'm driving there in a few hours)... but some Miami fans are just out-right horrible. I've never felt so threatened by a stadium full of people.

Just my two cents.

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Postby donovan » Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:58 am

LubbockHasNoTrees wrote:Having fewer arrests doesn't necessarily mean the Miami players aren't any less of thugs or criminals... maybe it's a bigger problem than the university... the cops could be looking the other way for Miami players... I have no factual data for that... just saying it could be a possibility.

Generally speaking, when there is this type of issue in any school, it has little to do with football, it has to do with School Administration and their tolerance for this type of activity. These things do not just happen, there are always minor issues that are let go and then the big ones appear.

Some schools have low tolerance for bad behavior on or off the field, for whatever reason. Couple that come to mind, BYU expelled a great portion of their football team a couple of years ago, fired the whole athletic department leadership, had the University President take over in the interim, got someone that understood standards first and they have made a comeback. University of Washington, got a new president, new Coach and rules have been set. The booster club has been silenced in running the program, and Willingham is staying the course. May take a couple of years. Well the list goes on....more schools apply conduct rules than don't. Colorado is going to make a comeback because of their changes..that is why you will not see a coaching change because of the strides in decorum that have been made...(does Neuhisel seem to be a common thread...I digress) anyway it is sad when programs get out of control. The measure of a good program has to be one that reflects success in every area that is sought after.

PS Bosie State....soon to be the Absolutely unequivocally Mythical National Champion...if only in my mind....graduates 71% of their athletes....and I am certainly proud of one of them...dang digressions....(I will also tell you their tolerance level for bad behavior is zero. Has not yet got to a place where it escalates..hopefully it will not.
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Postby billybud » Fri Nov 10, 2006 5:08 pm

You know...we did not particularly love Kines at FSU. He was a proponent of the "read and react" defense while Mickey has always liked an "attacking" defense. Eventually one of them was going to have to go...and it wasn't going to be Mickey.
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Postby Spence » Fri Nov 10, 2006 11:44 pm

donovan wrote:Generally speaking, when there is this type of issue in any school, it has little to do with football, it has to do with School Administration and their tolerance for this type of activity. These things do not just happen, there are always minor issues that are let go and then the big ones appear.

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